Website pic - Sandra

Current position: Senior scientist, FBN Dummerstorf (since 2017).

Main field of research: Animal welfare, esp. animal emotion, and bioacoustics. Sandra has a strong background in bioacoustics research, starting with her diploma thesis and continuing as a PhD-student at the Leibniz-Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN). After that, focus shifted towards animal emotions by establishing a design for cognitive bias studies in domestic pigs. From November 2012 to May 2016, she headed a Junior Research Group ("Affective Behaviour") at the FBN, phenotyping affective behaviour and analysing the regulation of individually different response patterns in farm animals (mostly pigs). Her current research focuses on how animals express affective states (emotions, moods) in their behaviour. This includes bioacoustics analyses, studies on the interactions of affect, physiology and cognition, but also studies on lateralisation.

PhD: FBN/Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Rostock University (2005-2009), on stress-related acoustic communication in domestic pigs.

Positions after PhD: Postdoc at FBN (2009-2012) working on cognitive bias in domestic pigs; Junior Research Group leader at FBN (2012-2016) investigating affective behaviour in farm animals.

Further information:

Modification date: 30 January 2023 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: Céline TALLET