Leliveld LMC, Düpjan S, Tuchscherer A, Puppe B (2017) Vocal correlates of emotional reactivity within and across contexts in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). Physiology & Behavior 181:117–126. Doit: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.010

Briefer EF, Vizier E, Gygax L, Hillmann E (2019) Expression of emotional valence in pig closed-mouth grunts: involvement of both source- and filter-related parameters. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145:2895.

Villain, A.S., Hazard, A., Danglot, M., Guérin, C., Boissy, A., Tallet, C., 2020. Piglets vocally express the anticipation of (pseudo)-social contexts in their grunts. bioRxiv,

Villain, A.S., Hazard, A., Danglot, M. et al. Piglets vocally express the anticipation of pseudo-social contexts in their grunts. Sci Rep 10, 18496 (2020).

Villain, AS, Lanthony, M, Guérin C, Tallet C., 2020. Frontiers in Vet Sci, Animal Behaviour and Welfare – Topic Human-animal relationships. Manipulable object and human contact: preference and modulation of emotional states in weaned pigs.


Villain, A; Lanthony, M; Guérin, C; Tallet, C, 2020, "Manipulable object and human contact: preferences and modulation of emotional states in weaned piglets",, Portail Data INRAE, V1

Villain, A; Hazard, A; Danglot, M; Guérin, C; Boissy, A; Tallet, C, 2020, "Piglets vocally express the anticipation of (pseudo)-social contexts in their grunts",, Portail Data INRAE, V1


Padilla de la Torre M, Briefer EF, Nordgreen J, Andrew AJ 2017. SOUNDWEL: Toward a tool for farmers to evaluate welfare states of pigs: measuring vocal indicators of emotions. NMBU Animal Welfare Seminar, Oslo, Norway.

Padilla de la Torre M, Janczak A, Nordgreen J, Boissy A, Bourguet C, Coulon M, Düpjan S, Hillmann E, Špinka M, Tallet C, Briefer E 2017. The ERA-Net ANIHWA project SOUNDWEL: determining vocal correlates of emotions in domestic pigs. XXVI International Bioacoustics Council meeting, Haridwar, India.

Villain A., Hazard A, Boissy A, Guérin C, Tallet C. 2019. Variabilité de l'expression vocale des porcelets lors de l'anticipation d'évènements positifs et négatifs. Congress of the French Society for the study of Animal Behaviour (SFECA), Lille, France.

Briefer EF, Linhart P, Policht R, Špinka M, Leliveld LMC, Düpjan S, Puppe B, Padilla de la Torre M, Janczak AJ, Bourguet C, Deiss V, Boissy A, Guérin C, Read E, Coulon M, Hillmann E, Tallet C 2019. Vocal expression of emotional valence in pigs across multiple call types and contexts. 2nd Workshop on Vocal interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, London, UK.

Villain AS, Hazard A, Guérin C, Alain B, Tallet C 2019. Vocal expression of emotions in pigs during anticipation of positive social contexts: impact of human animal relationship. XXVII International Bioacoustics Council meeting, Brighton, UK.


Padilla de la Torre M, Janczak A, Nordgreen J, Boissy A, Bourguet C, Coulon M, Düpjan S, Hillmann E, Špinka M, Tallet C, Briefer E 2017. The ERA-Net ANIHWA project SOUNDWEL: determining vocal correlates of emotions in domestic pigs. Proceedings of the XXVI International Bioacoustics Council meeting.

Villain A, Hazard A, Boissy A, Guérin C, Tallet C. 2019. Variabilité de l'expression vocale des porcelets lors de l'anticipation d'évènements positifs et négatifs. Proceedings of the Congress of the French Society for the study of Animal Behaviour (SFECA), Lille, France, p58.

Briefer EF, Linhart P, Policht R, Špinka M, Leliveld LMC, Düpjan S, Puppe B, Padilla de la Torre M, Janczak AJ, Bourguet C, Deiss V, Boissy A, Guérin C, Read E, Coulon M, Hillmann E, Tallet C 2019. Vocal expression of emotional valence in pigs across multiple call types and contexts. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Vocal interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, PeerJ, In Press.

Conference symposiums:

Briefer EF, Tallet C, Villain AS 2019. Vocal expression of emotions. XXVII International Bioacoustics Council meeting, Brighton, UK.


Book chapters:

Tallet, C, Leliveld, LMC, Briefer EF 2020. Vocalizations. In: I. Camerlink (Ed.). Pigs: Welfare in Practice. Sheffield: 5m Publishing. p56. (practical book for farmers)


Talks at PhD courses:

Tallet, C, Leliveld, LMC, Briefer EF 2019. Indicators of emotions : vocalisations. ISAE course on animal emotions, Wageningen University, Netherland.

Tallet, C 2019. Human-animal relationships and emotions. ISAE course on animal emotions, Wageningen University, Netherland.

Talks at Master courses:

Tallet, C, Every year, Master 1 of Agromcampus Ouest, SAED, evaluation of welfare.



Padilla de la Torre M, Briefer EF; Nordgreen J, Andrew AJ 2017. SOUNDWEL: Toward a tool for farmers to evaluate welfare states of pigs: measuring vocal indicators of emotions. Ås Kulturhus, Ås, Norway

Discussion after a documentary Paroles d’animaux, by Jérôme-Cécil Auffret as part of the Festival des Sciences, 2019.


Stand of INRA at the Agriculture International Show of Paris. 2019. Communication sonore des porcs.

Stand for Festival of Sciences, 2019, Espace des Sciences, 4-6 october. Communication sonore des porcs.

Stand at Culture Night, Copenhagen University (2019).

Press releases:

Les porcs donnent de la voix. In : dossier de presse INRA du salon de l’agriculture. P7

Sciences Ouest : Comprendre les émotions du cochon. Sciences Ouest du mois d’avril 2019 par Guillet, M. suite à un entretien. p10

TV show :

Ensemble c’est mieux, 9 oct 2019. Pig behaviour and vocalisations. France 3 Bretagne.