Celine Tallet

Céline Tallet is researcher on pig welfare and human-pig relationship. She coordinates Soundwel.

Current position: Senior Scientist at UMR PEGASE from INRAE, France (since 2009).

Main field of research: Céline main research area is pig behaviour and welfare with a focus on human-pig relationship, positive emotions, painful practices and cognition. She has expertise in animal behaviour, heart rate monitoring, emotions and vocalisations assessment. Apart from SoundWel, ongoing projects focus on the impact of prenatal experience of sows on their productivity and on the cognitive and emotional development of their piglets; on welfare issues in organic and outdoor systems (linked to rearing entire males, to genetics issues); on automatic recordings of pig behaviour.

Positions after PhD: Postdoctoral positions at Institute of Animal Science of Prague (Czechia, 2007-2008).  

Current projects:https://www.ppilow.eu/

Further information: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Celine_Tallet

My last publications:

  1. Bensoussan, S., Tigeot, R., Meunier-Salaün, M.-C., Tallet, C. Broadcasting human voice to piglets (Sus Scrofa domestica) modifies their behavioural reaction to human presence in the home pen and in arena tests, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, in press.
  2. Prunier, A., Averos, X., Dimitrov, I., Edwards, S., Hillmann, E., Holinger, M., Ilieski, V., Leming, R., Tallet, C.,  Turner, S., Zupan, M., Camerlink, I.. Early life predisposing factors for biting in pigs. Animal. 2020, 14: 570-587.
  3. Tallet,C., Rakotomahandry, M., Herlemont, S., Prunier A. Evidence of pain, stress and fear of humans due to tail docking in suckling piglets (Sus scrofa), Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Animal Behavior and Welfare, 6 (462). https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00462
  4. Bensoussan, S., Tigeot, R., Lemasson, A., Meunier-Salaün, M.-C., Tallet, C. (2019). Domestic piglets (Sus scrofa domestica) are attentive to human voice and able to discriminate some prosodic features. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 210, 38-45.
  5. Bensoussan, S., Cornil, M., Meunier-Salaün, M.-C., Tallet, C. (2016). Piglets learn to use combined human-given visual and auditory signals to find a hidden reward in an object choice task. Plos One, 11 (10), e0164988.

My publication list at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1899-9233