Andrew Janczak is a professor of animal behaviour and welfare.

Current position: Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare, NMBU, Norway (since 2014).

Main field of research: Andrews main research area is animal behaviour and welfare with a focus on behavioural development mainly related to personality, emotions, stress and cognition. He has worked primarily with pigs and laying hens, but also with fish, sheep, goats and cattle. Apart from SoundWel, ongoing projects focus on monitoring and preventing damaging behaviour such as tail biting in pigs and injurious pecking in laying hens. He currently leads COST Action GroupHouseNet (Synergy for preventing damaging behaviour in group-housed pigs and laying hens) ,and collaborates with Norsvin on a project aimed at preventing tail biting in pigs in Norway using genetic and management-oriented preventative strategies.    

DrAgric: NMBU, Norway (1998-2002), on maternal behaviour and coping styles in pigs.

Positions after PhD: Postdoctoral and research fellow positions at NMBU, the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (now a Faculty at NMBU), and USDA-ARS.  

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Modification date: 30 January 2023 | Publication date: 26 May 2020 | By: Céline Tallet